Yarmo's portfolio


Keyoxide (software)

Online identity verification using cryptography.

I started the Keyoxide project in August of 2020. As a weekend side project, I built an online tool for message encryption and decryption using OpenPGP cryptography. This got turned into a platform for decentralized identity verification using OpenPGP keys.

Since 2020, I have received two grants from the NLnet foundation for the development of Keyoxide.

In 2023, I gave a lightning talk about the Keyoxide project at the FOSDEM conference in Brussels.

Technologies used

Web (HTML, JS, CSS) · various web clients, landing pages
NodeJS · Keyoxide server, proxy server, CLI, developer libraries
Rust · profile exchange server, CLI, developer libraries
Dart · developer library

Code repositories

keyoxide project · Verifying online identity with cryptography
list of repos

Some notable repos:

keyoxide-web · Keyoxide web interface
website, source code

doip.js · Node/JS library to interact with decentralized online identities
source code

doip.rs · Rust library to interact with decentralized online identities
source code

tencrypt · Terse encryption tool using OpenPGP for the web
website, source code

aspe-server-rs · ASP Exchange server (Rust)
source code

kx-aspe-cli · Keyoxide profile generator CLI using ASPE (Rust)
source code

aspe-rs · ASP Exchange client library (Rust)
source code

aspe-dart · ASP Exchange client library (Dart)
source code

Stipt (software)

The Sequential Time Planning app

Side project that lets people manage their time as a sequence of appointments.

Designed for health workers that visit their patients at home, but applicable in a variety of scenarios.

Enables the user to easily swap appointments, manage delayed appointments and see their impact on the day's planning.

Technologies used

Web (HTML, CSS) · web interface
Typescript · app logic
Appwrite · backend-as-a-service

Code repositories

stipt-web · Stipt web interface
website, source code

Cinnamon Chords (software)

Side project that uses a static site generator to build an alternative to popular websites that display the lyrics and chords of songs.

Technologies used

Zola · static site generator written in Rust

Code repositories

cinnamon-chords · My static chords instance
website, source code

static-chords · Zola theme for lyrics and chords repositories
source code

Academic research


Mackenbach Y, Borst JG (2023) Somatic Integration of Incoherent Dendritic Inputs in the Gerbil Medial Superior Olive [link] [PDF]

Busquets-Garcia A, Marsicano G (2017) Pregnenolone blocks cannabinoid-induced acute psychotic-like states in mice [link]

PhD project in Rotterdam (2015-2019)

In my PhD project, I studied the relationship between input and output of individual Medial Superior Olive cells responsible for the localization of sound. These cells are among the fastest neurons in the brain, operating with a temporal resolution high enough to detect sub-millisecond time differences. Combining a custom novel auditory stimulus and spectral/circular statistics analysis tools programmed specifically for this stimulus, we investigate how dendritic signals interact and generate spikes.

It was my role to lead the project, design the experiments and perform them, analyse the data, write the results and conclusions and present the findings at conferences in the Netherlands and overseas.


Own music

I released my first EP in 2023.

Listen on: listen.yarmo.eu

Sir Jupiter

Together with my two brothers, I have created music since 2008 as the band called Sir Jupiter and have played a number of concerts in France and the Netherlands. We built our own home recording studio where we recorded and released two albums and two EPs.

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of our eponymous first album, we remixed and remastered it, even revisited some unused takes and recorded a few new takes.

Website: sirjupiter.com
Listen on: listen.sirjupiter.com