Keyoxide (software)

Online identity verification using cryptography.

I started the Keyoxide project in August of 2020. As a weekend side project, I built an online tool for message encryption and decryption using OpenPGP cryptography. This got turned into a platform for decentralized identity verification using OpenPGP keys.

Since 2020, I have received two grants from the NLnet foundation for the development of Keyoxide.

In 2023, I gave a lightning talk about the Keyoxide project at the FOSDEM conference in Brussels.

Technologies used

Web (HTML, JS, CSS) · various web clients, landing pages
NodeJS · Keyoxide server, proxy server, CLI, developer libraries
Rust · profile exchange server, CLI, developer libraries
Dart · developer library

Code repositories

keyoxide project · Verifying online identity with cryptography
list of repos

Some notable repos:

keyoxide-web · Keyoxide web interface
website, source code

doip.js · Node/JS library to interact with decentralized online identities
source code · Rust library to interact with decentralized online identities
source code

tencrypt · Terse encryption tool using OpenPGP for the web
website, source code

aspe-server-rs · ASP Exchange server (Rust)
source code

kx-aspe-cli · Keyoxide profile generator CLI using ASPE (Rust)
source code

aspe-rs · ASP Exchange client library (Rust)
source code

aspe-dart · ASP Exchange client library (Dart)
source code